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Creating Citations with EasyBib

To complete the lesson on how to use EasyBib follow the steps below:
1. Open the How To Use EasyBib worksheet. 
2. Watch the Google Slide presentation below and answer questions 1 & 2 on the worksheet.
3. Using the link below open the video tutorial about how to cite a website. Watch the tutorial and note the steps 
in question 3 on your worksheet.
Using EasyBib to Cite a Website 
4. Using the link below cite an image.  Note that you need to find the information on the website to fill in
the boxes. Remember you are NOT citing Google; it does not own the image. You will need to go to the
website where Google located the image and then find the information.  Also be sure to include the URL
(web address) for each citation.
Using EasyBib to Cite an Image 
5. When you have completed the tasks above, be sure to show your paper to Mr. Chapman for credit! 
REVIEW Activities


  Using In-Text Citation